Why do Horror Movies in Hollywood Always Have Happy Endings?


You know how horror movies begin – couple of people (mostly teenagers) feel they’re brave enough to spend a night at a spooky location. Later on, a killer or ghost appears and starts killing them one by one.

Now usually, in Hollywood, there is always at least one, if not two, survivors. And I always ask myself, “why?!” Real life murders hardly ever have any such happy endings. So why does Hollywood mostly finish their movies with silver linings? Hollywood has taken the genre that I enjoy to watch, and turned it into a cliché,

Because of this, I have vowed to not see as many mainstream horror movies as before.  I have been doing this for about two months and you know what? I’m so glad I took the challenge. I have seen many horror movies that are relatively unknown to general audiences, unless if you actually take the time to search for them.

The overall Indie (short for independent) and foreign horror movies are the best. They’re simple in the sense that they don’t over-do it with fake blood. Plus since they mostly have low-budgets, they’re able to really use their environment to make the overall movie’s setting very frightening.

Two movies that I recently viewed, Grave Encounters and Atrocious, used the “found-footage” camera attempt (which is when the movie is mostly seen through what the person recorded). Although at times the images were shaky, it added to the suspense. Without trying to give too much away, the endings for these movies left you wanting more.

As far as foreign movies go, The Orphanage and Martyrs are very good. These two films are on opposite extremes as far as how horror movies are made. While The Orphanage uses mood, sounds, and dialogue to make it scary, Martyrs uses extreme scenes, where some torture can be viewed.

Either way, I would prefer to watch foreign and indie horror movies any day over mainstream movies. I will see how long I can last, which I think I will be able to do very easily.

Eliminating Foreign Language as a Requirement – Why??


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t being fluent in more than one language a good thing?

If so, then why on Earth would the CUNY system be thinking of scrapping foreign language as a graduation requirement for all students? I think this is probably one of the most horrible decisions that the Board of Trustees have agreed on. (On the other hand, I did applaud them when they decided to stop the CPE’s – anyone could easily pass that exam.)

It’s been seen more and more in the job world that if you know another language besides English, you have better chances of being promoted and/or obtaining better jobs. Logically speaking, if someone spoke three languages, wouldn’t the chances of success for that company increase? Especially if the person is well immersed in said culture.

As a person who advocates the acceptance of other cultures and who is fluent in two languages, going on three**, I will never agree with this notion. Why would CUNY want us to graduate from colleges and only know one-single language? Are they trying to turn society back to its monolingual ways?

One reason I believe this idea even came into being is because I’ve seen many students frustrated when they find out that they are missing their foreign language requirement. Now usually these students decide on doing a graduation audit the year or even the semester before they graduate (why? I have NO idea). Foreign Language requirements vary from CUNY to CUNY college, but at Lehman, if you begin a language without knowing anything, you need to do a year. If you can speak or write, etc., a placement exam is given to determine the level at which a student is on.

As a result of this, I have seen many students that believe they are fluent enough to want to be exempt from taking a foreign language – which if you’re wondering if that’s possible, it’s not. The ironic thing is that these same students who feel they are fluent enough, some actually do need help in speaking, writing, reading, or pronunciation.

I am really hoping that this idea gets eliminated really quickly, and no such changes occur. If this were to be passed, I honestly believe our society would deteriorate at a much faster pace.

(** – As noted, I’m fluent in English, Spanish, and currently working on a minor in French. I’m hoping to also become fluent in various other languages.)

Occupy Wall Street – What’s going On?


Ok, so the title may be a bit misleading – I am aware of what’s going on with the movement and why it began in the first place. However, my overall doubt, question (call it whatever you want) is: how can a movement that began good have spiraled into what it is now?

As of today, it’s been two months since Occupy Wall Street has began and turned into an international topic. But, as the days go by, I’ve noticed that this movement has been separating itself bit by bit from the ideas which it all began. Just yesterday,police arrested an OWS protester who had made threats to burn down Macy’s with Molotov cocktails. Now seriously, if anyone would read that, they’d think “It’s anarchy”, but it’s true!

I understand and sympathize with the protestors. They’re hoping to call attention to their beliefs that if corporate companies make up the most percentage of wealthy workers, they should help at least ease the stress for others (which can be seen in their motto “we are the 99%”).

However, since they have been in Zuccotti Park, all you hear from residents and business owners is that these protestors are rowdy and demand assistance only because of their movement. If they do not receive any help or freebies, they lash out against said businesses and residents. Now, why do that? Wouldn’t that diminish the movements efforts to be perceived as a “peaceful” movement?

You can’t forget all of the commotion over the west side of Zuccotti being a free-for-all, where many of those inhabiting that side of the park were there for the free booze, drugs, and overall “no law” vibe. What does that say about the movement? Yet, I understand that there’s so many people that it gets overwhelming when having to maintain order. But c’mon, that needs to be done in order for the movement to continue to be seen in a positive light!

I only wish that when this movement is done, there will be more positive opinions than negative ones.